CLI Awarded Certificate of Recognition (COR)
July 16, 2019
Canadian Locators Inc. was awarded a renewal of its COR (Certificate of Recognition), based on successful completion of an external audit through a certifying partner, the Alberta Construction…
CLI Awarded Contract with Shaw
July 16, 2019
Canadian Locators Inc. was granted a contract with Shaw Communications Inc. (Alberta).
CLI Renews Memberships with ACSA
July 16, 2019
As part of CLI's commitment to industry safety leadership, Canadian Locators Inc. renewed its voluntary Associate Membership with ACSA.
CLI Renews Membership with ORCGA
January 16, 2019
As a member of the Ontario Regional Common Ground Alliance (ORCGA), Canadian Locators Inc. is able to maintain industry leadership in the underground utility locating industry.
CLI Renews Membership with CAPULC
March 16, 2018
As a member of the Canadian Association of Pipelines and Utility Locating Contractors (CAPULC), Canadian Locators Inc. is recognized as a professional locate company in Canada.
CLI Awarded Contract with Loyalist Township
January 16, 2018
Canadian Locators Inc. was awarded a multi-year contract with the Loyalist Township in central eastern Ontario.