Ticket Clearing

Dedicated Customer Teams & Agile Locating Services

CLI makes safety, efficiency and cost effectiveness a top priority when it comes to utility locating. With dedicated teams, professional experience, and technologically advanced systems, CLI promises the best quality service possible.

What is Ticket Clearing?

Managing and clearing locate tickets can be extremely time consuming and expensive. It is the process of gathering and verifying specific utility and geospatial information so that locates can be completed efficiently.

This process usually requires entire divisions and high upfront costs to complete on a regular basis. A more cost effective way of completing this is by letting a highly professional locating company like CLI worry about all the logistics and details.

CLI offers clearing services to its utility clients, which is facilitated through the use of clearing center software and processes which have been developed in-house by CLI and its associated technology partner ID Technologies.

How Does it Work?

CLI is able to integrate all standard data formats so that a programmed comparison of the locate area and any surrounding utility infrastructure can be completed through the software. This comparison is bound to a “buffer zone”, and parameters for this zone can be adjusted based on recommendations or requirements of the utility client.

All locate notices are then reviewed by a trained locate technician. The technician makes an assessment, which may include calling the excavation contractor, to determine whether a physical site locate is required. This multi-staged process maintains a high standard of safety and maximizes efficiency by ensuring that all locates are completed with total accuracy.

Based on the “cleared” or “locate required” status of each ticket, clearing staff will notify excavators, giving the go-ahead for work or indicating that a locate is required before any ground disturbance. Locate tickets flow from the clearing center to CLI’s “Locatorbase” ticket management portal, and the two software systems work together ensuring that tickets are not sent for locating prior to being screened by the clearing process. Additionally, monthly reports are generated outlining the number of tickets that have been cleared.

Why Choose CLI?

Canadian Locators provides all types of utility locating services, using state of the art ground penetrating radar and electromagnetic sensors to provide clients with professionally accurate readings and utility maps. Whenever digging is to commence, CLI will ensure that locating staff are well equipped and prepared to take on any type of locating job regardless of size. All data that is collected is then professionally mapped and can be used during the permitting process.

CLI has been providing locating services all around Canada since 2001, and is recognized as a true industry leader in the field. All locating information is collected with extreme accuracy and speed, ensuring that each project can carry on as scheduled.

CLI has been providing locating services for 15+ years and has completed millions of locates over the last decade.
State of the art locating tools are used and provide extremely accurate readings for all locates.
Highly Professional Staff
CLI ensures that all locating technicians and managers have received the highest degree of training before participating in locates.
All locate data collected is inputted into our proprietary mapping systems to be used for design and permitting.

CLI Total Locates 2014-2017

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Request More Information

Contact CLI to request more information about services, ticket status, and quotes.

    Canadian Industry Leaders

    Providing Innovative and Professional Locating Solutions

    As a diversified utility locating firm and a pioneer of cutting edge technologies, CLI is constantly evolving to provide the best client experience. CLI is one of the most awarded and well-recognized locating firms in Canada and is continually working on being the best.
