Dedicated Customer Teams & Agile Locating Services
Safety at the Workplace
Safety at the workplace, office, or on site is one of CLI’s top priorities. Positive participation in health and safety is taken extremely seriously with safety being the number one condition of each contract. All of CLI’s work and activities comply with applicable legislation and utility requirements, making CLI one of the most renowned locating organizations when it comes to safety procedures.
Equipment Safety
CLI’s primary objective is to continually reduce the potential for incidents that result in injuries to people, damage to property, and/or other losses. Enhanced productivity, improved quality of work and sustained customer satisfaction also result from the proper use of this system. CLI provides training, tools, equipment, and the supervision necessary for all work to be performed in a healthy and safe manner.
Safety Training Program
CLI’s training program addresses the use of drugs and alcohol in the work place, defensive driving practices, and use of personal protective equipment amongst other areas. Also included is a Work Site hazard assessment and mitigation process. Apart from safety audits which are conducted regularly, monthly safety meetings are held and minutes are forwarded to the facility owner. Facility owners are also encouraged to attend CLI safety meetings.
Safety Statistics
Monthly safety statistic reports are provided to each utility and reviewed as necessary. Reports are based on training completed, injuries, hazard assessments and other information as required.